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My name Professor Patrick Teruel. I am a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt and Founder of NEO Martial Arts Academy & NEO Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

This is my story, which you have been so instrumental in. Therefore, this is OUR STORY.

The Story So Far

During the worst times of the Covid-19 pandemic, NEO has been able to positively affect the lives of those in need and build our Academy from an online presence, to small group private instruction and into the inspiring team that we have today. I believe in the benefits of fitness, Jiu-Jitsu and healthy living for people of all ages, shapes and sizes.

“Coach Patrick is an amazing coach! He’s very professional and has a great way with the kids and youth. He is respectful and the kids learn discipline, technique and have fun at the same time.”                 

  - Marie Ojha

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