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"Coach P has a fantastic program with a mix of flexibility, strength, cardio, and balance exercises. The kids have a natural connection to the way Coach P describes the movements along with strategy and skill requirements. He is an expert in demonstration and verbal instructions while navigating the online environment. For example, all movements and exercises are demonstrated multiple times from different angles. Also as a bonus, Coach P’s kids (Robyn is amazing!) do the movements as well to show different size and level modifications while also helping parents understand how to help their kids in their own homes.

As a sport and exercise psychology researcher and professor, I can attest to many evidence-based practices that Coach P uses in his classes and the authenticity of the programs. Not only informed, educated, and successful in his own martial arts career, Coach P is also extremely patient, empathetic and caring. He understands how to coach kids and is always checking in with them and giving them autonomy to develop their own movement patterns and to lead the class sometimes.

Of most importance, Coach P has built a strong rapport with our kids, and has helped them to cooperate and connect around fitness and martial arts. Our kids get a great workout, are developing physical literacy, and are learning self-defence - all critical to growing up! And, they really enjoy it." 

— Catherine Sabiston

What the kids are saying!

“It’s fun and I get really sweaty doing the classes.”

“Coach P is nice and helpful.”

— Carson (age 7)

“It is hard work. It is fun to experience all kinds of new things that we do.”

“What Coach P teaches us will be very helpful for life situations.”

“Coach P is nice, kind and caring. He takes time to explain everything and answer questions. He waits for people when they need extra time. He is also very patient.”

— Teagan (age 11)

“Coach Patrick has been a foundational part in the development of our kids summer fitness program. His work to inspire kids from 10-15 years old was so impressive that we had to expand the program to three times its size after our second week. I believe his commitment and enthusiasm along with a super fun and challenging curriculum has made him the kids favourite instructor. Patrick is not only a world champion in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu he is also a certified trainer and teaches online Animal Flow sessions as well! He is inexhaustible and passionate. What else do you want as an example to your children? My kids love him and so will yours!”

— Rob Mancini

“I signed up for Animal Flow online classes just under a year ago. I never thought that an online program could drastically change my life. During Covid lockdowns and social isolation, Coach Patrick offered a personable, fun class that got me hooked! His motto (to me anyways) is to have fun, move with confidence and laugh at yourself. If you are the many who look at online classes as awkward and a waste of time, this will forever change that. Everyone feels welcome, everyone laughs and everyone signs back up for the next class. Since my registration, I have seen a drastic change in my flexibility and mobility. But most importantly, in my confidence and frame of mind. Thank you Coach P from the bottom of my heart, and I will see you online for your next class!”

— Ali F.

“I would recommend one of Coach P's classes to a grappler of any level. He explains techniques thoroughly and has a drill in mind for those in the online class that do not have a partner.

I hope I someday have the honour of sharing a mat with him in person to learn as many details as possible relating to jiujitsu, teaching and running a business. Coach Patrick is someone you can trust to take your game to a higher level.”

— TJ Pelkman (Blue Belt - Alliance/Dragan Konjevic)

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